Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Remove your Makeup ?

Leaving on makeup longer than necessary can clog pores, especially if it is thick makeup or there is a lot on. Removing makeup as soon as you are finished with it is key to keeping gorgeous skin, especially overnight. However, it can be tricky to make sure all of it is gone. 

And we cannot imagine going to bed without removing my make-up and washing my face. Certainly both removing your make-up and washing your face shouldn’t be seen as a burden. Instead it should be an automatic part of your pre-bedtime ritual. You brush your teeth before going to bed…right??  You need to remove your make-up at night so that your make-up doesn’t sit on your face and clog your pores. Not removing your make-up at the end of the day will mean going to sleep with lots of free radicals, caused by pollution that is clinging to your make-up, on your skin. These free radicals contribute to early aging and cellular damage. As you go about your day dirt, residue, and pollution all collect on your face. You need to remove all of those pollutants before going to bed.


1. Remove any eye makeup. Use a gentle makeup remover just for eye makeup. Regular makeup remover can irritate the eyes. Make sure you get most, if not all, of any eyeliner and mascara you had on, as well as some eyeshadow.

2. Steam your pores. Drape a towel over your head and hold it over a sink of hot, steaming water. This opens your pores and dislodges your makeup easier for cleansing.

3. Remove your lip color. Apply a small dab of petrolatum jelly to your lips, and gently rub it in with a tissue. Fold in the tissue, and blot the lips.

4. Use a gentle face wash. Most of your makeup should come off on this stage. Be sure the face wash is gentle and you don't scrub harshly. Your skin has been covered in makeup all day and it needs to breathe!

5. Remove any eye makeup that ran while you washed your face. It's pretty common to see a bit of mascara or eyeliner under your eyes, and very easy to remove with a dampened cotton swab.

6. Close your pores with a splash of cool water. Rub in some moisturizer to soothe your skin.

7. Pat your face dry with a towel and rub in a light moisturizer. The rigor of the applying of makeup and removal of makeup can dry out your skin in irritation. Soothe this with a light moisturizer.


If you don't have eye makeup remover, baby oil on a cotton ball works really well (just make sure to rinse the oil off afterward to prevent break-outs)

Always use a noncomedogenic moisturizer. They don't clog pores.

Alternatively, you can skip the step to remove eye makeup, especially if you don't have mascara on, because the steam will dislodge most of the makeup.

For a more relaxing treatment, try adding orange or eucalyptus scents.

You may also use the HydraMitt which is a microfiber mitt that removes makeup in seconds by using warm water only. It's also very gentle on your eyes and will not scratch your skin like your typical microfiber cloth.

Some olive oil on a soft tissue will work, too.

Do not start by washing your face, this dries out the skin and does not get off most of the makeup.
Do not over exfoliate the skin or use abrasive products. These can damage the skin and leave it looking dull and wrinkled.

Things You'll Need

Eye makeup remover
Facial wash
Facial moisturizer

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